Holistic Health Tips
Interferences are generally subluxations in your spine, but they can also be emotional stress and toxins you are exposed to.
To support your healing, it is important to feed yourself with care. Focus on eating as many colourful fruits and vegetables as you can, exposing yourself to a vast quantity of phytonutrients, vitamins and antioxidants.
Drink lots of water, and try to reduce your consumption of sugary, caffeinated, and alcoholic drinks.
Move your body often to increase your heart rate and get your blood pumping.
​Remove harsh chemicals from your daily life that are lurking in all of your cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, personal hygiene products and cosmetics.
You can clean 99% of your house with baking soda and vinegar!
And there are toxin free personal hygiene products coming soon to our office for your convenience! (Along with some delicious food and snack options, too!)